A Grace Disguised. Sittser, Jerry. (1995). Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan (Grief & Loss)

A Grief Observed, Lewis, C.S. Multiple publishers and editions available.

A Time to Grieve: Loss as a Universal Human Experience. Simos, B. G. (1979). Family Services Association of America

After Suicide. Hewett, John. (1979). Philadelphia, PA, Westminster Press

Coping With Life After Your Mate Dies: Cushenberry, D. C. & Crossley, R. (1997). Baker

Getting to the Other Side of Grief: Overcoming the Loss of a Spouse, Zonnebelt-Smeenge, S. J. & DeVries, R. C. (1998) Grand Rapids, MI., Baker Books

Grief Adjustment Guide, The: A Pathway Through Pain. Greeson, C., Hollingsworth, M. and Washburn, M. (1990) Questar

Grief Recovery Handbook, The. James, J. and Cherry, F. (1988). Harper and Row.

Healing Journey Through Grief. Rich, P. (1999) John Wiley

Helping Children Live. Huntley, Theresa. (1991). Minneapolis, MN, Augsburg Press

How to Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies. Rando, Therese. (1991). Bantam Books

Living Beyond Loss: Death in the Family, Walsh, F & McGoldrick, (1991) and Norton

Living with Grief after Sudden Loss: Suicide, Homicide, Accident, Heart Attack and Stroke, Doka, K.A. (1996) Hospice Foundation of America

Overcoming Grief & Trauma, Lawrenz, M. & Green, D. (1995) Baker

Overcoming Lifes Toughest Problems*: Hindson, E. (1999) Harvest

Parental Loss of a Child. Rando, T. (Ed.) (1986) Research Press

Problem of Pain, The. Lewis, C.S. Multiple publishers and editions available.

The Final Mile. Landrum, Faye. (1999). Wheaton, IL, Tyndale House

Will I Ever Be Whole Again? Surviving the Death of Someone You Love, Aldrich. S. P. (1999) Howard Publishing