αlphabetical Listing of Resources



Anger Workbook, The: A 13 step interactive plan to help you.  Carter, L. & Minirth, F (1993) Thomas Nelson Press


Exploring Your Anger, Taylor, G. & Wilson, R.  Baker Books


Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, Revised and Expanded: Burns, D.D., (1999) Avon Books


Helping Angry People, Taylor, G. & Wilson, R. (1997). Baker Books


Letting go of Anger: The ten most commons anger styles and what to do about them, Potter-Efron, R. and Potter-Efron, P. (1995). Barnes and Noble Books.


Make Anger Your Ally. Warren, Neil Clark. (1999). Wheaton, IL, Tyndale House


Making Love Last Forever: Smalley, G. (1996) Word.


Mind Over Mood, Greenberger, D. & Padesky, C. (1995). Guilford


Overcomers Recovery Guide, A Practical Guide to Victory through Christ, (1993) Zondervan. Incorporates a Christ-centered approach to the twelve Steps.


Overcoming Hurts and Anger: Carlson, D. L. InterVarsity


Overcoming Lifes Toughest Problems: Hindson, E. (1999) Harvest


Prescriptions for Anger: Coping with Angry Feelings and Angry People: Hankins, G. and Hankins, C., (2000) Barclay Press.


Soul Care Bible, Clinton, T., Hindson, E. & Ohlschlager, G., (Eds) (2000) Thomas Nelson.


The Other Side of Love: Handling Anger in a Godly Way: Chapman, G., (1999) The Moody Press


When Anger Hits Home. Oliver, Gary. (1992). Chicago, IL, Moody Press


When Anger Hurts: Quieting the Storm Within. McKay, M., Rogers, p, and McKay. (1989) New Harbinger




Adrenaline & Stress, Hart, A. (1995) Word


Anxiety and Its Disorders. Barlow, D. (1988) Guilford


Anxiety and Phobia Workbook, The: Bourne, E. J., (1990) MJF Books


Anxiety Disorders and Phobias: A Cognitive Perspective: Beck, A. T. and Emery, G. (1985). Basic Books Anxiety Cure, The. Hart, A. D., (1999), Word


Attachments: Why You Love, Feel and Act the Way You Do. Clinton, T., and Sibcy, G. (2002). Integrity


Be Anxious For Nothing: The Art of Casting Your Cares and Resting in God: Joyce Meyer, (1998), Harrison House.


Conquering Fear, Randau, K., (1991). Word Publishing


Don’t Panic: Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks. Wilson, R. (1996) HarperCollins


Dying of Embarrassment: Help for Social Anxiety and Phobia. Markway, B. G. et al (1992) New Harbinger Essential Arnold Lazarus, The. Dryden, W. (Ed.)  (1991) Whurr Publishers


Feeling Good Handbook, The. Burns, D.C., (1989). William Morrow


Feeling Confident: How to Conquer Anxiety, Fears and Phobias. In, The Feeling Good Handbook: How to Use the New Mood Therapy for Everyday Living. Burns. D. (1989). William Morrow


Helping Worriers, Resources for Strategic Pastoral Counseling: Beck, J. & Moore, D. (1994) Baker Books


In the Minds Eye: The Power of Imagery for Personal Enrichment. Lazarus, A. (1984) Guilford


Mind Over Mood, Greenberger, D. & Padesky, C. (1995) Guilford


Overcoming Anxiety, without Tranquilizers: A groundbreaking program for treating chronic anxiety:  Drummond, E. H. (1997) Dutton Books


Overcoming Lifes Toughest Problems: Hindson, E. (1999) Harvest.


Overcoming Worry and Fear, Hauck, P. (1976) Westminster John Knox Press


Overcomers Recovery Guide, A Practical Guide to Victory through Christ, (1993) Zondervan. Incorporates a Christ-centered approach To the twelve Steps


Worry: Hope and Help for a Common Condition:  Hallowell, E. M. (1997) Ballantine Books.


Worry Free Living: Minirth, F. Meier, P. and Hawkins, D. (1990). Thomas Nelson


Your Perfect Right: A Guide to Assertive Living. Albertic, R. E. and Emmons, M. L. I1974). Impact Books. See section on reducing anxiety in social settings.


Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD / ADHD)

Natural Choices for Attention Deficit Disorder: for Adults and Children who want to achieve mental clarity,  Jane Oelke ND, PhD, Natural Choices, Inc., April 2005, ISBN: 0971551219


Skills Training for Children with Behavior Disorders: A Parent and Therapist Guidebook, Bloomquist, M. L. (1996) Guilford




Overcoming Depression, Hauck, P.


Understanding Depression:  A Short-Term, Structured Model, Siang-Yang, T. and Ortberg, J.


Disappointment with God:  Three Questions No One Asks Aloud, Yancey, P.


Learning More About Depression, Spotts, S.


How to Understand and Overcome Depression, Larson, E.


How to Win Over Depression, LaHaye, T.


Out of the Darkened Room. Beardslee, William. (2002). New York, Little, Brown & Co.


Why Am I Crying? Maughon, Martha. (1989). Grand Rapids, MI, Discovery House Publishing (Depression)


Divorce Recovery


A Fresh Start for Single Parents. Whiteman, Thomas. (1997). David C. Cook Ministries


Fresh Start: Eight Principles for Starting Over When a Relationship Doesn’t Work. Whiteman, Thomas. (1997). Grand Rapids, MI., Tyndale House Publishing


Innocent Victims: How to Help Children Through the Trauma of Divorce. Whiteman, Thomas. (1993). Nashville, TN, Nelson Publishing


Life After Divorce. Munroe, Myles. (1992). Shippensburg, PA, Destiny Image Publishers


Fears & Phobias


Afraid No More! Wright, N. (1992) Tyndale


Anxiety Cure, The.  Hart, A. D., (1999), Word


Anxiety Disorders and Phobias: A Cognitive Perspective:  Beck, A. T. and Emery, G. (1985). Basic Books


Anxiety, Phobias, and Panic: A Step-by-Step Program for Regaining Control of your Life. Peurifoy, R. Z. (1995) Warner Books


Attachments: Why You Love, Feel and Act the Way You Do. Clinton, T., and Sibcy, G. (2002). Integrity


Conquering Fear, Randau, K., (1991). Word Publishing


Don’t Panic: Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks. Wilson, R. (1996) HarperCollins


If You Want to Walk on Water, Youve Got to Get Out of the Boat; Ortberg, J. and Walsh, S. (2001). Zondervan


In the Minds Eye: The Power of Imagery for Personal Enrichment. Lazarus, A. (1984) Guilford


Overcomers Recovery Guide, A Practical Guide to Victory Through Christ, (1993) Zondervan. Incorporates a Christ-centered approach to The twelve Steps.


Overcoming Lifes Toughest Problems*: Hindson, E. (999) Harvest


Overcoming Worry and Fear, Hauck, P. (1976) Westminster John Knox Press


Recovery from Fear, Ryan, D. and Ryan, J. (1992) InterVarsity


Soul Care Bible, Clinton, T., Hindson, E. & Ohlschlager, G., IEds.) (2000) Thomas Nelson


Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook: Proven Techniques for Overcoming Your Fears.  Anthony, M. and Swinson, R. (2000) New Harbinger.




To Forgive is Human: How to put your past in the Past. McCullough, M.E., Sandage, S.J., & Worthington, E. L., Jr. (1997). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press


Dimensions of Forgiveness. Worthington, E.L., Jr. (1998) Radnor, PA, Temple Foundation Press


Guilt-Free Living. Jeffress, Robert. (1995). Wheaton, IL, Tyndale House


Real Solutions For Forgiving The Unforgivable: Stoop, D. (2001) Servants Publications.


To Forgive is Human: How to Put Your Past in the Past: McCullough, M. E. Sandage, S.J., and Worthington, Jr. E. L. (1997). InterVarsity.


Grief & Loss


A Grace Disguised. Sittser, Jerry. (1995). Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan (Grief & Loss)


A Grief Observed, Lewis, C.S. Multiple publishers and editions available.


A Time to Grieve: Loss as a Universal Human Experience. Simos, B. G. (1979). Family Services Association of America


After Suicide. Hewett, John. (1979). Philadelphia, PA, Westminster Press


Coping With Life After Your Mate Dies: Cushenberry, D. C. & Crossley, R. (1997). Baker


Getting to the Other Side of Grief: Overcoming the Loss of a Spouse, Zonnebelt-Smeenge, S. J. & DeVries, R. C. (1998) Grand Rapids, MI., Baker Books


Grief Adjustment Guide, The: A Pathway Through Pain. Greeson, C., Hollingsworth, M. and Washburn, M. (1990) Questar


Grief Recovery Handbook, The. James, J. and Cherry, F. (1988). Harper and Row.


Healing Journey Through Grief. Rich, P. (1999) John Wiley


Helping Children Live. Huntley, Theresa. (1991). Minneapolis, MN, Augsburg Press


How to Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies. Rando, Therese. (1991). Bantam Books


Living Beyond Loss: Death in the Family, Walsh, F & McGoldrick, (1991) and Norton


Living with Grief after Sudden Loss: Suicide, Homicide, Accident, Heart Attack and Stroke, Doka, K.A. (1996) Hospice Foundation of America


Overcoming Grief & Trauma, Lawrenz, M. & Green, D. (1995) Baker


Overcoming Lifes Toughest Problems*: Hindson, E. (1999) Harvest


Parental Loss of a Child. Rando, T. (Ed.) (1986) Research Press


Problem of Pain, The. Lewis, C.S. Multiple publishers and editions available.


The Final Mile. Landrum, Faye. (1999). Wheaton, IL, Tyndale House


Will I Ever Be Whole Again?  Surviving the Death of Someone You Love, Aldrich. S. P. (1999) Howard Publishing


Marital Conflicts


A Celebration of Sex. Rosenau, D., (1996) Thomas Nelson


A Couples Guide to Communication. Gottman, J. (1976) Research Press.


Angry Men and the Women Who Love Them: Breaking the Cycle of Emotional and Physical Abuse. Hegstron, P. (1999) Beacon Hill Press


Before a Bad Good-Bye. Clinton, T. (1999) Word


Boundaries in Marriage. Cloud, H. & Townsend. (2000) Zondervan


Couple Skills: Making Your Relationship Work.  McKay, M., Fanning, P., and Paleg, K. (1994) New Harbinger


Five Love Needs of Men and Women, The. Roseburg, Gary & Barbara (2001) Tyndale


Five Languages of Love The. Chapman, G. (1992) Northfield Press


Honey, Are You Listening? : How Attention Deficit Disorder Could Be Affecting Your Marriage. Fowler, R. & Fowler, J. (1995) Thomas Nelson


Hope for the Separated, Wounded Marriages Can Be Healed. Chapman, G., (1996) Moody Press


How to Encourage the Man in Your Life. Wright, Norman. (1997). Nashville, TN, Word Publishing


Intimate Allies. Allendar, Dan. Longman, Tremper. (1995). Wheaton, IL, Tyndale House


Love is a Decision; Revised edition. Smalley, G. and Trent, J. (2000) Thomas Nelson


Love Is Never Enough: How Couples Can Overcome Misunderstandings, Resolve Conflicts, and Solve Relationship Problems.  Beck, A.T. (1988) Harper Perennial Books


Love’s Unseen Enemy. Parrott, Les. (1994). Grand Rapids, MI. Zondervan Publishing


Making Love Last Forever. Smalley, G., (1996) Word


Marriage Conflicts. McMurray, Douglas; Worthington, E.L. Jr. (1994). Grand rapids, MI, Baker Books


Marriage You’ve Always Wanted, The. Clinton, Tim & Julie, (2000) Thomas Nelson


Never Alone, Ferguson. David & Teresa (2001) Tyndale


Overcoming Lifes Toughest Problems. Hindson, E. (1999) Harvest


Passionate Marriage. Schnarch, David. (1997). New York, Henry Holt & Co.


People Pleasers. Carter, L (2000) Broadman and Holman


Relationships. Parrott, Les; Parrott, Leslie. (1998). Grand Rapids, MI. Zondervan Publishing


Restoring the Pleasure. Penner, C.L. & Penner, J.J. (1993). Nashville, TN, Word Publishing


Sacred Marriage. Thomas, G. (2000) Zondervan


Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts. Parrott, Les & Leslie (1995) Zondervan


Seeking God Together. Stoop, D. (1996) Tyndale


Sexual Man, The. Hart, A.D., (1995) W. Publishing Group


Strengthen Marital Intimacy: Elements of the Process. Hawkins, Ronald (1992) Baker Books


10 Great Dates of Revitalize Your Marriage. Arp, David & Claudia (1997) Harper Collins


Value Your Mate: How to Strengthen Your Marriage. Mc Murry, D, & Worthington, E. (1994) Baker


Verbal Abuse: Healing the Hidden Wound. Ketterman, G., *1993) Servant Press


When Couples Pray Together. Stoop, David & Jan (2000) Servard Rosenau, D.


Why Marriages Succeed or Fail…And How You Can Make Yours Last. Gottman, John. (1994). New York, Simon & Shuster




Prayer, Faith and Healing. Caine, K.W. and Kaufman, B.P. (1999) Rodale Books. An excellent resource on prayer and its healing power for various emotional and relational and spiritual problems.


What Color Is Your Parachute? Bolles, Richard. (2002). Berkeley, CA, Ten speed Press (Career/Job Change)


A Hope Deferred. Baughan, Jill. (1989). Portland, OR, Multnomah Press (Couples & Infertility)


Picking Up the Pieces. Acho, Sonny. (1996). Wheaton, IL, Crossway Books (Dealing with Crisis)


Debt-Free Living: How to Get out of Debt and Stay Out. Burkett, Larry. (1989). Chicago, IL, Moody Press (Financial)


Debt-Proof Living. Hunt, Mary. (1999). Nashville, TN, Broadman/Holman (Financial)


Living on Borrowed Time: Principles Related to Debt. Burkett, Larry. (1996). Chicago, IL, Moody Press (Financial)


Forbidden Memories. Riggin, Sandra. (2004). Sautee-Nacoochee, GA, Evening Star Press (Healing & Inspiration)


A Child Called “It”. Pelzer, Dave. (1993). Deerfield Beach, GL, Health Communications (Healing & Inspiration)


Rebuilding Your Broken World. MacDonald, Gordon. (1988). Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson Publishers (Pain & Suffering)


Why does God Allow Suffering? Lloyd-Jones, M. (1994). Wheaton, IL, Good News Publishing. (Pain & Suffering)


Essential Psychopharmacology. Stahl, Stephen. (1998). Boston, MA, Cambridge University Press (Medication)


Natural Choices for Fibromyalgia: Discover Your Personal Method for Pain Relief, Jane Oelke ND, PhD, Natural Choices, Inc. April 2003, ISBN: 0971551200


Nutrition & Wellness

Simply DELicious: Quick and Easy 10 minute Fit Recipes & Nutrition Guide, Del Millers PhD, Spiritwind Publications, October 2004, ISBN: 0966670485


Natural Choices for Attention Deficit Disorder: for Adults and Children who want to achieve mental clarity, Jane Oelke ND, PhD, Natural Choices, Inc., April 2005, ISBN: 0971551219


TOFU Gourmet Cuisine: Delicious Recipes from the Four Corners of the World, Frances Boyle, Dillon Publishing, September 2004, ISBN: 0973263709


Food Enzymes: Missing Link to Radiant Health, Humbart Santillo, Hohm Press 1987, ISBN: 0934252114


Food Enzymes for Vibrant Health and Increased Longevity, Tonita d’Raye, Awieca, Inc. April 2001, ISBN: 1889887099


Natural Choices for Fibromyalgia: Discover Your Personal Method for Pain Relief, Jane Oelke ND, PhD, Natural Choices, Inc. April 2003, ISBN: 0971551200


Hungry for Health, Susan Silberstein, Infinity Publishing January 2005, ISBN:  0741423685


What’s the Big Deal About Water, Revised Edition, Tonita d’Raye, Awieca Inc., April 2001, ISBN:  1889887048


Healing Pets with Nature’s Miracle cures, Henry Pasternak, Highlands Veterinary Hospital First ed., September 2001, ISBN:  0970967845




Blended Families: Creating Harmony As You Blend a New Home Life. Marsolini, Maxine (2000) Moody Press.


Boundaries With Kids, Cloud, H. & Townsend, J. (2001) Zondervan.


Bringing Up Kids Without Tearing Them Down, Leman, K. (2001), Thomas Nelson.


Challenging Child, The: Understanding, Raising, and Enjoying the Five Difficult Types of Children, Greenspan, S.I. (1995) Perseus Books


Changing Your Child’s Heart, Sherbondy, S. (1998) Tyndale. Strategies for dealing with problem behaviors.


Christian Child-Rearing and Personality development. Meier, Paul. (1977) Baker Books.


Closing the Gap. McGraw, Jay. (2001). New York, Fireside (Parenting)


Dare to Discipline, The New: Dobson, J. (1996) Tyndale


Emotional Problems of Normal Children, The. Turecki, S. (1994) Bantam


Family Cycles: How Understanding the Way You Were Raised Will Make You a Better Parent, Carter, W. L.,  (1993). NavPress


Fathers Who Made a Difference: Mistakes to Avoid and Models to Follow, 15 Biblical Examples from the Bible; Gruen, D., (1995). Broadway and Holman


Five Love Languages of Children, The: Chapman, G. (1997). Moody Press.


Five Love Languages of Teenagers, The: Chapman, G. (2001) Moody Press.


Growing Strong Daughters, McMinn, L. G. (1996) Dell.


Healthy Parenting: How Your Upbringing Influences the Way You Raise Your Children and What You Can Do to Make It Better for Them. Woititz, J. (1992) Simon and Schuster


Help, My Child Isn’t Learning, Martin, G. (1995) Colorado Springs, CO. Focus on the Family Press


Helping Children Survive Divorce, Hart, A. D. (1996) Word


Hide and Seek, The New: Dobson, J. (2001) Baker Books


Kid Think: Dealing with the Six Most Common Behavioral Problems of Children, Carter, W. L. (1991) Word


Overcoming Lifes Toughest Problems*: Hindson, E. (999) Harvest


Natural Choices for Attention Deficit Disorder: for Adults and Children who want to achieve mental clarity, Jane Oelke ND, PhD, Natural Choices, Inc., April 2005, ISBN: 0971551219


Parenting Today’s Adolescent *, Rainey, D. & Rainey, B. (1998) Thomas Nelson


Parents Guide to Spiritual Growth of Children: Trent, J., Osborne, R. & Bruner, K. (2003) Focus on the Family Press.


Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids, Wright, H. N. & Oliver, G. J. (1995) Victory Books


Raising Sons and Living it: Oliver, G. & Oliver, C. (2000) Zondervan.


Parenting. Campbell, Ross, (2000) Moody Press.


Relief for Hurting Parents: What to Do and How to Think When You’re Having Trouble With You’re Kids, Scott, R. A (1989) Oliver Nelson, A division of Thomas Nelson


Skills Training for Children with Behavior Disorders: A Parent and Therapist Guidebook, Bloomquist, M. L. (1996) Guilford


Talking to Your Kids About Sex: Laser, M. (1999) WaterBrook Press.


The Seven Worst Things Parents Do. Friel, John & Friel, Linda. (1999). Deerfield Beach, GL, Health Communications


Understanding Your Child’s Personality: Stoop, D. (1997) Tyndale.


You Can’t Make Me (But I Can be Persuaded): Tobias, Cynthia, (1999). WaterBrook Press


Personal Growth


Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. Carlson, Richard. (1997). New York, Hyperion


Finding God. Crabb, Larry. (1993). Grand rapids, MI, Zondervan Publishing


Making Hope Happen. McDermott, Diane & Snyder, C.R. (1999). Oakland, CA, New Harbinger Publications


Finding Contentment. Warren, Neil Clark. (1997). Nashville, TN. Thomas Nelson


Self Help or Self Destruction. Thurman, Chris. (1995). Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson


The Search for Significance. McGee, Robert. (1998). Nashville, TN, Word Publishers


The Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Self-Love, Self-Love, Self-Image. Adams, Jay. Eugene, OR, Harvest House Publishers


The Lies We Tell Ourselves. Thurman, Chris. (1999). Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson


The Prayer of Jabez. Wilkinson, Bruce. (2000). Portland, OR, Multnomah Press


Who Moved My Cheese? Johnson, Spencer. (1998). New York, G.P. Putnam & Sons


Sexual Abuse/Addiction


Don’t Call It Love. Carnes, Pat. (1992). Bantam


Faithful and True. Laaser, Mark. (1992). Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan


On the Threshold of Hope. Langberg, Diane. (1998). Wheaton, IL, Tyndale House Publishers


The Wounded Heart, Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse Allendar, Dan. (1990). Colorado Springs, CO, Navpress


Substance Abuse


Alcoholic Family, The: Steinglass, P. et al, (1987) Basic Books


Intervention: How to Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help, Johnson, V., (1986) Johnson Institute Books


Life Recovery Bible (1992) Tyndale House


Overcoming Chemical Dependency: Raphas Twelve-Step Program, McGhee, R. (1990) Word


Overcomers Recovery Guide, A Practical Guide to Victory through Christ, (1993) Zondervan


Overcoming Lifes Toughest Problems*: Hindson, E. (999) Harvest


Preventing Relapse. Daley, D. (1993). Hazelden


The Recovery Book. Mooney, Al; Eisenberg, Arlene; Eisenberg, Howard. (1992) New York, Workman Publishing




Billy Graham Christian Workers Handbook, The: A Topical Guide with Biblical Answers to the Urgent Concerns of Our Day.  Graham, B. (1996) World Wide Publishing


Hopelessness, Depression, and Suicidal Intent. Wetzel, D. (1976).


Making Sense of Suicide: An In-depth Look At Why People Kill themselves. Lester, D. (1997) Charles



Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide. Jamison, Kay Redfield, (1999) Alfred Knopf


Overcomers Recovery Guide, A Practical Guide to Victory through Christ, (1993) Zondervan. Incorporates a Christ-centered approach to The twelve Steps


Overcoming Lifes Toughest Problems: Hindson, E. (1999) Harvest


Prediction of suicide, The. Beck, A. T., Resnik, H. L. P. & Lettieri, D. J. (Eds.) (1986). Charles Press Publishers


Soul Care Bible, Clinton, T., Hindson, E. & Ohlschlager, G., IEds.) (2000) Thomas Nelson


Suicidal Mind, The. Shneidman, E. S. ( 1996 ) Oxford University Press


Suicide: A Christian Response: Critical Considerations for Choosing Life: Demy, T.J. and Stewart, G. P. (1998). Kregel Publications


Suicide: Why? 85 Questions and Answers about Suicide, Wrobleski, A., (1989) Afterward


Survivors of Suicide. Stillion, J> M>, (1996) In, Living With Grief After Sudden Loss. K. Doka, (Ed.) Hospice Press