Anger Workbook, The: A 13 step interactive plan to help you. Carter, L. & Minirth, F (1993) Thomas Nelson Press
Exploring Your Anger, Taylor, G. & Wilson, R. Baker Books
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, Revised and Expanded: Burns, D.D., (1999) Avon Books
Helping Angry People, Taylor, G. & Wilson, R. (1997). Baker Books
Letting go of Anger: The ten most commons anger styles and what to do about them, Potter-Efron, R. and Potter-Efron, P. (1995). Barnes and Noble Books.
Make Anger Your Ally. Warren, Neil Clark. (1999). Wheaton, IL, Tyndale House
Making Love Last Forever: Smalley, G. (1996) Word.
Mind Over Mood, Greenberger, D. & Padesky, C. (1995). Guilford
Overcomers Recovery Guide, A Practical Guide to Victory through Christ, (1993) Zondervan. Incorporates a Christ-centered approach to the twelve Steps.
Overcoming Hurts and Anger: Carlson, D. L. InterVarsity
Overcoming Lifes Toughest Problems: Hindson, E. (1999) Harvest
Prescriptions for Anger: Coping with Angry Feelings and Angry People: Hankins, G. and Hankins, C., (2000) Barclay Press.
Soul Care Bible, Clinton, T., Hindson, E. & Ohlschlager, G., (Eds) (2000) Thomas Nelson.
The Other Side of Love: Handling Anger in a Godly Way: Chapman, G., (1999) The Moody Press
When Anger Hits Home. Oliver, Gary. (1992). Chicago, IL, Moody Press
When Anger Hurts: Quieting the Storm Within. McKay, M., Rogers, p, and McKay. (1989) New Harbinger